New Feature Alert: Google Meet Integration is on

With many of our customers already being on GSuite and Google Apps, we figured integrating Google Meet for conducting online classes would be a good idea. Google played ball, and has exposed their APIs for us to consume. Now in addition to the previously launched Zoom, we are integrated into Google Meet. It is your choice!

Description: With concerns around Zoom security taking centre stage, colleges moved to Google Meet for their online classrooms. onEdu team moved fast and enabled integration of Google Meet with onEdu software. Just like the earlier launched Zoom, users are only required to just join their classes which are scheduled by default  as per their timetable in onEdu.

If your college is already on Google Suite for email and apps and you have an active college account, get in touch with us. We will enable your college to conduct hassle free online classes with in a few hours.

Availability: This feature is available on request.

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